Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities Differences and Judgements


  1. Kitty Clive? I had a feeling I would run into you sooner or later. We have shared many stages in London I believe. Ha-ha, how much we have in common.
    We are both actresses, we are both British, and we both started in our late teens. But I have also noted that you and many other actors and actresses in London have all worked with David Garrick. I have NEVER gotten the chance to work with him. I am not a failed actress! I just like writing better, that is all! Ha-ha, sorry for getting a little carried away there. But anyways,
    we also have many differences. Besides the fact that you were a member of Garricks company and I WAS NEVER INVITED. You sing, I do not. I write and you do not. You also got out of your failed marriage. I just suffered through mine.

    Can not wait to hear from you soon Ms. Clive.

  2. Hello Ms.Clive, it is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard you are a british actress. That is fantastic. I am an American composer. I also started my art in my teens but mine was a tad sooner. You were once married like me and I apologize for your failed marriage. Congradulations on preforming and being famous in London, I am for one not a big traveller. I amazed that you are also a soprano singer, perhaps we could preform together. Nice to learn about you Ms.Clive, hope to hear back.

    Sincerly, Mr.William Billings.

  3. Bonjour Kitty Clive! How nice it is to be commenting on your blog. From what i have read, you are a pretty amazing actress is that right? Well, I admire you in many different ways... ;)
    Both of us know the routine of theatre and have experience with it. It is a marvelous place to be in isn't it? But just like I told Miss Inchbald, we writers sometimes happen to not get credit, we give you things to say on stage and without us writers you would just be standing there, on stage, in front of hundreds of people... Last, we both started doing what we love in our teens. This gives us a great advantage!
    Obviously, you act and say what I write. I see that you are a singer also? Thats very nice, I like me some singers! How high can you hit your notes? ;) Anyways it was nice reading about you and, I'm sorry for your failed marraige. I wish you the best!

  4. Ello Kitty Clive, love the name! Well from what ive seen on your page I have learned your an i right? Anyways the things we have in common so far we both wore great costumes for our performances, also we both strive in are art. We both performed in a well known theater in our town. Also me and first husband split up. But i soon found love again.

    Lets continue with differences. I performed in a theater in Paris but you performed in England i believe. Also you know your ex husbands new family, I dont know that information on my ex husband. The obvious reason is im a dancer and your an actress.

    I would have love to learn more about you, but thats it for now!

  5. Bonjour Madame Clive!

    Je m'appelle Étienne-Nicholas Méhul. I am a French Composer. It was a pleasure reading about you and all of your accomplishments in your life! I think that it might be in your interest that we artists have some things in common. Similar to you, I had very important mentors that hel[ed moi along my journey in becoming a fabulous artist. The art world was changing all around me and you, very fine Madame indeed, and I both used that as a benifit to our beloved arts!

    I understand that we have similarities, but we also have our differences. Doesn't everybody have them? *laughs* I am a musician. I create, and express, emotion through angelic music, while you create emotion through powerful words. I started off extremly poor, unlike you, madame. I also did not reside in England. I lived in Frace!

    I would love to say that I think that it is amazing that you could sing and act! And I very much so indeed admire passion for the arts!

  6. Buon giorno, come stai? Ms. Clive I very much enjoyed reading about your story. I believe we do not share many similarities other than we were both great artist of our era that started in arts at a very young age. As opposed to each other you were born in Britain and I was born in Italy. Another difference is of course the fact that I am a dancer and you are an actress, even though dancing and acting can relate a little bit to each other in terms of communicating a story o the audience. It would have been a pleasure to see such an amazing artist as you are performing and I would particularly love to hear you sing.

    -Filippo Taglioni
